Страница 5 из 24 8)---------------------------------------------------------------------------- Q> Как включить/выключить аудит? A> #include #include #include #pragma hdrstop // This code was kindly provided by Marc Esipovich,
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// The original filename was "isauditon.c". // Modifications by felixk: // IsAuditOn() now accepts a BOOL; if FALSE, the code will // _not_ force the audit settings to ON. // Changed return type to int, as it may return 0, 1, -1. // Added a small main() to call IsAuditOn(FALSE). /* RETURNS: 1 if Auditing has been enabled, 0 if no action taken, -1 on error. COMMENT: Automatically enables all audit policy events. Values are, 0 for no log at all, 1 for success only, 2 for failure only, 3 for both success and failure. typedef struct _POLICY_BUFFER { DWORD IsAuditEnabled; // 1 = ON, 0 = OFF. PVOID pPolicies; // pointer to the start policy struct. DWORD restart_shutdown_and_system; DWORD junk1; DWORD logon_and_logoff; DWORD junk2; DWORD file_and_object_access; DWORD junk3; DWORD use_of_user_rights; DWORD junk4; DWORD process_tracking; DWORD junk5; DWORD security_policy_changes; DWORD junk6; DWORD user_and_group_management; DWORD junk7; } POLICY_BUFFER, *PPOLICY_BUFFER; */ int IsAuditOn( BOOL forceAuditOn ) { int rc = 0; POLICY_ACCOUNT_DOMAIN_INFO *ppadi = NULL; SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE sqos; LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES lsaOA; LSA_HANDLE polHandle; NTSTATUS nts; // fill the Quality Of Service struct. sqos.Length = sizeof(SECURITY_QUALITY_OF_SERVICE); sqos.ImpersonationLevel = SecurityImpersonation; sqos.ContextTrackingMode = SECURITY_DYNAMIC_TRACKING; sqos.EffectiveOnly = FALSE; // fill the Object Attributes struct. lsaOA.Length = sizeof(LSA_OBJECT_ATTRIBUTES); lsaOA.RootDirectory = NULL; lsaOA.ObjectName = NULL; lsaOA.Attributes = 0; lsaOA.SecurityDescriptor = NULL; lsaOA.SecurityQualityOfService = &sqos; nts = LsaOpenPolicy( NULL, // NULL = current machine. &lsaOA, POLICY_VIEW_LOCAL_INFORMATION | GENERIC_READ | GENERIC_EXECUTE | POLICY_ALL_ACCESS, &polHandle); if (nts != 0) return -1; nts = LsaQueryInformationPolicy( polHandle, PolicyAuditEventsInformation, &ppadi); if (nts != 0) return -1; if ( forceAuditOn ) { // set policies ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[0] = 3; // restart_shutdown_and_system ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[2] = 3; // logon_and_logoff ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[4] = 3; // file_and_object_access ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[6] = 3; // use_of_user_rights ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[8] = 3; // process_tracking ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[10] = 3; // security_policy_changes ppadi->DomainName.Buffer[12] = 3; // user_and_group_management ppadi->DomainName.Length = 1; nts = LsaSetInformationPolicy( polHandle, PolicyAuditEventsInformation, ppadi); if (nts != 0) return -1; rc = 1; } LsaFreeMemory(polHandle); return rc; } |