unit ADO; {This unit provides a quick access into ADO It handles all it's own exceptions It assumes it is working with SQL Server, on a PLC Database If an exception is thrown with a [PLCErr] suffix: the suffix is removed, and ErrMsg is set to the remaining string otherwise the whole exception is reported in ErrMsg Either way, the function call fails.
Globals: adocn - connection which all other ADO objects use adors - Recordset adocmd - Command Object adocmdprm - Command Object set aside for Parametric querying ConnectionString - Connection String used for connecting
ErrMsg - Last Error Message ADOActive - Indicator as to whether ADO has been started yet
Functions: General ADO ADOStart:Boolean; ADOReset:Boolean; ADOStop:Boolean;
Recordsets RSOpen(SQL:string;adRSType,adLockType,adCmdType:integer;UseServer:Boolean):Boolean; RSClose:Boolean;
Normal Command Procedures CMDExec(SQL:string;adCmdType:integer):Boolean;
Parametric Procedures PRMClear:Boolean; PRMSetSP(StoredProcedure:string;WithClear:Boolean):Boolean; PRMAdd(ParamName:string;ParamType,ParamIO,ParamSize:integer;Val:variant):Boolean; PRMSetParamVal(ParamName:string;val:variant):Boolean; PRMGetParamVal(ParamName:string;var val:variant):Boolean;
Field Operations function SQLStr(str:string;SQLStrType:TSQLStrType); function SentenceCase(str:string):string;
--to convert from 'FIELD_NAME' -> 'Field Name' call SQLStr(SentenceCase(txt),ssFromSQL); }
uses OLEAuto, sysutils;
const {Param Data Types} adInteger = 3; adSingle = 4; adDate = 7; adBoolean = 11; adTinyInt = 16; adUnsignedTinyInt = 17; adDateTime = 135; advarChar = 200;
{Param Directions} adParamInput = 1; adParamOutput = 2; adParamReturnValue = 4;
{Command Types} adCmdText = 1; adCmdTable = 2; adCmdStoredProc = 4; adCmdTableDirect = 512; adCmdFile = 256;
{Cursor/RS Types} adOpenForwardOnly = 0; adOpenKeyset = 1; adOpenDynamic = 2; adOpenStatic = 3;
{Lock Types} adLockReadOnly = 1; adLockOptimistic = 3;
{Cursor Locations} adUseServer = 2; adUseClient = 3;
function ADOReset: Boolean; function ADOStop: Boolean;
function RSOpen(SQL: string; adRSType, adLockType, adCmdType: integer; UseServer: Boolean): Boolean; function RSClose: Boolean;
function CMDExec(SQL: string; adCmdType: integer): Boolean;
function PRMClear: Boolean; function PRMSetSP(StoredProcedure: string; WithClear: Boolean): Boolean; function PRMAdd(ParamName: string; ParamType, ParamIO, ParamSize: integer; Val: variant): Boolean; function PRMSetParamVal(ParamName: string; val: variant): Boolean; function PRMGetParamVal(ParamName: string; var val: variant): Boolean;
type TSQLStrType = (ssToSQL, ssFromSQL); function SQLStr(str: string; SQLStrType: TSQLStrType): string; function SentenceCase(str: string): string;
var adocn, adors, adocmd, adocmdPrm: variant; ConnectionString, ErrMsg: string; ADOActive: boolean = false;
var UsingConnection: Boolean;
function ADOStart: Boolean; begin //Get the Object References try adocn := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Connection'); adors := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Recordset'); adocmd := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Command'); adocmdprm := CreateOLEObject('ADODB.Command'); result := true; except on E: Exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; Result := false; end; end; ADOActive := result; end;
function ADOReset: Boolean; begin Result := false; //Ensure a clean slate... if not (ADOStop) then exit;
//Restart all the ADO References if not (ADOStart) then exit;
//Wire up the Connections //If the ADOconnetion fails, all objects will use the connection string // directly - poorer performance, but it works!! try adocn.ConnectionString := ConnectionString; adocn.open; adors.activeconnection := adocn; adocmd.activeconnection := adocn; adocmdprm.activeconnection := adocn; UsingConnection := true; except try adocn := unassigned; UsingConnection := false; adocmd.activeconnection := ConnectionString; adocmdprm.activeconnection := ConnectionString; except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; exit; end; end; end; Result := true; end;
function ADOStop: Boolean; begin try if not (varisempty(adocn)) then begin adocn.close; adocn := unassigned; end; adors := unassigned; adocmd := unassigned; adocmdprm := unassigned; result := true; except on E: Exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; Result := false; end; end; ADOActive := false; end;
function RSOpen(SQL: string; adRSType, adLockType, adCmdType: integer; UseServer: Boolean): Boolean; begin result := false; //Have two attempts at getting the required Recordset if UsingConnection then begin try if UseServer then adors.CursorLocation := adUseServer else adors.CursorLocation := adUseClient; adors.open(SQL, , adRSType, adLockType, adCmdType); except if not (ADOReset) then exit; try if UseServer then adors.CursorLocation := adUseServer else adors.CursorLocation := adUseClient; adors.open(SQL, , adRSType, adLockType, adCmdType); except on E: Exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; exit; end; end; end; end else begin //Use the Connetcion String to establish a link try adors.open(SQL, ConnectionString, adRSType, adLockType, adCmdType); except if not (ADOReset) then exit; try adors.open(SQL, ConnectionString, adRSType, adLockType, adCmdType); except on E: Exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; exit; end; end; end; end; Result := true; end;
function RSClose: Boolean; begin try adors.Close; result := true; except on E: Exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; result := false; end; end; end;
function CMDExec(SQL: string; adCmdType: integer): Boolean; begin result := false; //Have two attempts at the execution.. try adocmd.commandtext := SQL; adocmd.commandtype := adCmdType; adocmd.execute; except try if not (ADOReset) then exit; adocmd.commandtext := SQL; adocmd.commandtype := adCmdType; adocmd.execute; except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; exit; end; end; end; result := true; end;
function PRMClear: Boolean; var i: integer; begin try for i := 0 to (adocmdprm.parameters.count) - 1 do begin adocmdprm.parameters.delete(0); end; result := true; except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; result := false; end; end; end;
function PRMSetSP(StoredProcedure: string; WithClear: Boolean): Boolean; begin result := false; //Have two attempts at setting the Stored Procedure... try adocmdprm.commandtype := adcmdStoredProc; adocmdprm.commandtext := StoredProcedure; if WithClear then if not (PRMClear) then exit; result := true; except try if not (ADOReset) then exit; adocmdprm.commandtype := adcmdStoredProc; adocmdprm.commandtext := StoredProcedure; //NB: No need to clear the parameters, as an ADOReset will have done this.. result := true; except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; end; end; end; end;
function PRMAdd(ParamName: string; ParamType, ParamIO, ParamSize: integer; Val: variant): Boolean; var DerivedParamSize: integer; begin //Only try once to add the parameter (a call to ADOReset would reset EVERYTHING!!) try case ParamType of adInteger: DerivedParamSize := 4; adSingle: DerivedParamSize := 4; adDate: DerivedParamSize := 8; adBoolean: DerivedParamSize := 1; adTinyInt: DerivedParamSize := 1; adUnsignedTinyInt: DerivedParamSize := 1; adDateTime: DerivedParamSize := 8; advarChar: DerivedParamSize := ParamSize; end; adocmdprm.parameters.append(adoCmdPrm.createparameter(ParamName, ParamType, ParamIO, DerivedParamSize, Val)); except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; end; end; end;
function PRMSetParamVal(ParamName: string; val: variant): Boolean; begin //Only try once to set the parameter (a call to ADOReset would reset EVERYTHING!!) try adocmdprm.Parameters[ParamName].Value := val; result := true; except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; result := false; end; end; end;
function PRMGetParamVal(ParamName: string; var val: variant): Boolean; begin //Only try once to read the parameter (a call to ADOReset would reset EVERYTHING!!) try val := adocmdprm.Parameters[ParamName].Value; result := true; except on e: exception do begin ErrMsg := e.message; result := false; end; end; end;
function SQLStr(str: string; SQLStrType: TSQLStrType): string; var FindChar, ReplaceChar: char; begin {Convert ' '->'_' for ssToSQL (remove spaces) Convert '_'->' ' for ssFromSQL (remove underscores)} case SQLStrType of ssToSQL: begin FindChar := ' '; ReplaceChar := '_'; end; ssFromSQL: begin FindChar := '_'; ReplaceChar := ' '; end; end;
result := str; while Pos(FindChar, result) > 0 do Result[Pos(FindChar, result)] := ReplaceChar; end;
function SentenceCase(str: string): string; var tmp: char; i {,len}: integer; NewWord: boolean; begin NewWord := true; result := str; for i := 1 to Length(str) do begin if (result[i] = ' ') or (result[i] = '_') then NewWord := true else begin tmp := result[i]; if NewWord then begin NewWord := false; result[i] := chr(ord(result[i]) or 64); //Set bit 6 - makes uppercase end else result[i] := chr(ord(result[i]) and 191); //reset bit 6 - makes lowercase end; end; {This was the original way of doing it, but I wanted to look for spaces or '_'s, and it all seemed problematic - if I find a better way another day, I'll alter the above... if str<>'' then begin tmp:=LowerCase(str); len:=length(tmp); tmp:=Uppercase(copy(tmp,1,1))+copy(tmp,2,len); i:=pos('_',tmp); while i<>0 do begin tmp:=copy(tmp,1,i-1)+' '+Uppercase(copy(tmp,i+1,1))+copy(tmp,i+2,len-i); i:=pos('_',tmp); end; end; result:=tmp;} end;