Класс Mutex Так выглядит реализация этого класса в Win32 | class Mutex { private: CRITICAL_SECTION lock;
public: Mutex(void) { InitializeCriticalSection(&lock); } void Lock(void) { EnterCriticalSection(&lock); } void Unlock(void) { LeaveCriticalSection(&lock); } };
А так класс Mutex выглядит для Solaris 2.x | class Mutex { private: mutex_t structure_lock; // structure access lock mutex_t lock; // mutex thread_t owner; // owner of mutex unsigned int count; // # of times owner locked mutex
public: Mutex(void) { mutex_init(&structure_lock, USYNC_THREAD, (void*)0); mutex_init(&lock, USYNC_THREAD, (void*)0); }
~Mutex(void) { mutex_destroy(&structure_lock); mutex_destroy(&lock); }
void Lock(void) { mutex_lock(&structure_lock); if (owner == thr_self()) { // this thread already owns the lock count++; mutex_unlock(&structure_lock); } else { // try to obtain the mutex. if we cannot do so immediately, release // the structure lock and wait on the mutex. if (mytex_trylock(&lock) != 0) { mutex_unlock(&structure_lock); mutex_lock(&lock); mutex_lock(&structure_lock); owner = thr_self(); } mutex_unlock(&structure_lock); } }
void Unlock(void) { mutex_lock(&structure_lock); if ((owner == thr_self()) && (--count == 0)) mutex_unlock(&lock); mutex_unlock(&structure_lock); } };
А это примерчик использования класса Mutex | class SafeInteger : private Mutex { private: int value;
public: void SetValue(int new_value) { Lock(); value = new_value; Unlock(); }
int GetValue(void) { Lock(); int ret_value = value; Unlock(); return ret_value; } };
Класс Semaphore Так выглядит реализация класса Semaphore в Win32 | class Semaphore { private: HANDLE semaphore;
public: Semaphore(void) { CreateSemaphore((void *)0, 0, 0x7ffffff, (void*)0); }
Semaphore(int available) { CreateSemaphore((void *)0, available, 0x7ffffff, (void*)0); }
~Semaphore(void) { CloseHandle(semaphore); }
void Wait(void) { WaitForSingleObject(semaphore, INFINITE); }
void Post(void) { ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore, 1, (void*)0); }
void Post(int how_many) { ReleaseSemaphore(semaphore, how_many, (void*)0); } };
А так класс Semaphore выглядит для Solaris 2.x | class Semaphore { private: sema_t semaphore;
public: Semaphore(void) { sema_init(&semaphore, 0, USYNC_PROCESS, (void*)0); }
Semaphore(int available) { sema_init(&semaphore, available, USYNC_PROCESS, (void*)0); }
~Semaphore(void) { sema_destroy(&semaphore); }
void Post(void) { sema_post(&semaphore); }
void Post(int how_many) { while (how_many-- 0) sema_post(&semaphore); }
void Wait(void) { sema_wait(&semaphore); } };
А это примерчик использования класса Semaphore | template class QueueEntry : public T { public: T value; QueueEntry* next;
QueueEntry(const T& item_value) { value = item_value; next = (QueueEntry*)0; } };
template class Queue : private Semaphore : private Mutex { private: QueueEntry* head; QueueEntry* tail;
public: Queue(void) { head = tail = (QueueEntry*)0; }
void Add(const T& item_value) { Lock(); if (tail == QueueEntry*)0) head = tail = new QueueEntry(item_value); else { tail-next = new QueueEntry(item_value); tail = tail-next; } Unlock(); Post(); // wake up any waiting threads }
T Wait(void) { Semaphore::Wait(); // wait for something to show up Lock(); T value = head-value; QueueEntry* old = head; head = head-next; delete old; if (head == (QueueEntry*)0) tail = (QueueEntry*)0; Unlock(); return value; } };
Класс Event Так выглядит реализация класса Event в Win32 | class Event { private: HANDLE event;
public: Event(void) { event = CreateEvent((void*)0, TRUE, FALSE, (void)0); }
~Event(void) { CloseHandle(event); }
void Signal(void) { PulseEvent(event); }
void Wait(void) { WaitForSingleObject(event, INFINITE); } };
А так класс Event выглядит для Solaris 2.x | class Event { private: cond_t event;
// in order to wait on a condition variable you must have a locked // mutex, which we don't really need. mutex_t dummy_mutex;
public: Event(void) { cond_init(&event, USYNC_PROCESS, (void*)0); mutex_init(&dummy_mutex, USYNC_PROCESS, (void*)0); }
~Event(void) { event_destroy(&event); }
void Signal(void) { cond_broadcast(&event); }
void Wait(void) { mutex_lock(&dummy_mutex); cond_wait(&event, &dummy_mutex); mutex_unlock(&dummy_mutex); } };